First steps 8 Add Additional Company Contact Fields Accessing Iristrace’s web/desktop platform Accessing Iristrace on mobile
Checklists 16 How to View Checklists in the Kanban View Creating and answering a checklist in the web version of Iristrace How to answer a checklist from the Iristrace mobile app
Templates 17 How to configure the visibility of a category of questions in a checklist based on its status Archive Templates How to create templates in Iristrace
Workflows 2 How to create a Workflow to send notifications by email How to create a Workflow to create checklists
Users 5 Checklist Access Control: Restrict Checklist Visibility by User and Template “View Users” Permission How to create a user
Departments 5 How to create a department What are departments in Iristrace How to create subdivisions
Notifications 4 Creating a Notification Based on an Automatic Event How to Generate a Notification According to a Time Periodicity How to set up an automatic instant message (notifications)
Recommendations for use 4 How to solve the most common web application stability issues How to solve the most common problems with Iristrace access How to resolve text mismatches in the calendar
Integrations & BI 9 Intermediate Database Iristrace Data model Connecting MariaDB with Microsoft Power BI