Discover all the potential that Iristrace offers you to filter, massively create, visualize and access the information of the checklists registered in your account.
The following information is available in the “Checklists” section.
Checklists #
Next to this title will appear the number of checklists listed according to the selected filters highlighted in blue, in this case 972 checklists. Below you can also find another number in red, which refers to the total number of detected incidents, in this example 33.
Calendar #
From this calendar view you will be able to see all the checklists you have made and their status, as well as the checklists you have planned.
Media #
In this tab, you have all the images you have attached to your checklists.
Import #
You have two options:
Create checklist #
In order to create new checklists in the initial state and plan them for a specific date, you will need to download the sample csv by clicking on the “Download data model” button and complete it with the checklists you wish to plan.
Once you have completed the excel file with the information of the checklists you want to create, drag the file to this section.
The system will perform a first validation and will allow us to select the records you want to generate.
If there is a problem with the registration it will appear with a red background.
Once the records to be created have been selected, click on create and the system will automatically generate the checklists, with the dates, templates, users and labels indicated in the file.
Answer checklist #
In this case, you can upload a csv document with pre-answered questions, which will be marked with the answer you have given and you will be able to view them once you enter the checklist.
In order to do so, you must download a data model in excel format of the template of your choice and complete it.
You will get a csv that you can upload from this tab.
Kanban #
The Kanban mode view allows you to view the checklists in columns according to their status.
Incidents #
In this button you can download an excel list of the incidents recorded in the checklists displayed in the list.
Checklists #
In this button you can download an excel list of the checklists made and currently displayed in the list.
Create #
Button to start answering a checklist.
Filters #
As a common functionality for all the previous options, you have a series of fields by which you can filter to show the list of checklists you are interested in at any time.